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aslmualikum :) salam kenal semuanya ..

Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

puassa --"

haiis , puasa emg bener2 harus menahan emsoi kita yah :D oh tidakk !
apalgi kalau udh repod ngurusi ini itu , haiis ... tp enaknya sihh gak kerasa pas waktu kita kerja , eh tiba2 udh buka puasa :D tp rintangannya loh , susah bgt .. nahan emosi , hrus sabar dll ...
tp serru juga apalg kalau buber breng sama tmen2 yah gak :) biisa main brengg ngobrol2 brengg :D it's oke tetep smngat yahh

Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010


Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP, Voice over IP) is a general term for a family of methodologies, communication protocols, and transmission technologies for delivery of voice communications and multimedia sessions over Internet Protocol (IP) networks, such as the Internet. Other terms frequently encountered and synonymous with VoIP are IP telephony, Internet telephony, voice over broadband (VoBB), broadband telephony, and broadband phone.

Internet telephony refers to communications services — voice, facsimile, and/or voice-messaging applications — that are transported via the Internet, rather than the public switched telephone network (PSTN). The basic steps involved in originating an Internet telephone call are conversion of the analog voice signal to digital format and compression/translation of the signal into Internet protocol (IP) packets for transmission over the Internet; the process is reversed at the receiving end.[1]

VoIP systems employ session control protocols to control the set-up and tear-down of calls as well as audio codecs which encode speech allowing transmission over an IP network as digital audio via an audio stream. Codec use is varied between different implementations of VoIP (and often a range of codecs are used); some implementations rely on narrowband and compressed speech, while others support high fidelity stereo codecs.


Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP, Voice over IP) is a general term for a family of methodologies, communication protocols, and transmission technologies for delivery of voice communications and multimedia sessions over Internet Protocol (IP) networks, such as the Internet. Other terms frequently encountered and synonymous with VoIP are IP telephony, Internet telephony, voice over broadband (VoBB), broadband telephony, and broadband phone.

Internet telephony refers to communications services — voice, facsimile, and/or voice-messaging applications — that are transported via the Internet, rather than the public switched telephone network (PSTN). The basic steps involved in originating an Internet telephone call are conversion of the analog voice signal to digital format and compression/translation of the signal into Internet protocol (IP) packets for transmission over the Internet; the process is reversed at the receiving end.[1]

VoIP systems employ session control protocols to control the set-up and tear-down of calls as well as audio codecs which encode speech allowing transmission over an IP network as digital audio via an audio stream. Codec use is varied between different implementations of VoIP (and often a range of codecs are used); some implementations rely on narrowband and compressed speech, while others support high fidelity stereo codecs.


Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP, Voice over IP) is a general term for a family of methodologies, communication protocols, and transmission technologies for delivery of voice communications and multimedia sessions over Internet Protocol (IP) networks, such as the Internet. Other terms frequently encountered and synonymous with VoIP are IP telephony, Internet telephony, voice over broadband (VoBB), broadband telephony, and broadband phone.

Internet telephony refers to communications services — voice, facsimile, and/or voice-messaging applications — that are transported via the Internet, rather than the public switched telephone network (PSTN). The basic steps involved in originating an Internet telephone call are conversion of the analog voice signal to digital format and compression/translation of the signal into Internet protocol (IP) packets for transmission over the Internet; the process is reversed at the receiving end.[1]

VoIP systems employ session control protocols to control the set-up and tear-down of calls as well as audio codecs which encode speech allowing transmission over an IP network as digital audio via an audio stream. Codec use is varied between different implementations of VoIP (and often a range of codecs are used); some implementations rely on narrowband and compressed speech, while others support high fidelity stereo codecs.


Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP, Voice over IP) is a general term for a family of methodologies, communication protocols, and transmission technologies for delivery of voice communications and multimedia sessions over Internet Protocol (IP) networks, such as the Internet. Other terms frequently encountered and synonymous with VoIP are IP telephony, Internet telephony, voice over broadband (VoBB), broadband telephony, and broadband phone.

Internet telephony refers to communications services — voice, facsimile, and/or voice-messaging applications — that are transported via the Internet, rather than the public switched telephone network (PSTN). The basic steps involved in originating an Internet telephone call are conversion of the analog voice signal to digital format and compression/translation of the signal into Internet protocol (IP) packets for transmission over the Internet; the process is reversed at the receiving end.[1]

VoIP systems employ session control protocols to control the set-up and tear-down of calls as well as audio codecs which encode speech allowing transmission over an IP network as digital audio via an audio stream. Codec use is varied between different implementations of VoIP (and often a range of codecs are used); some implementations rely on narrowband and compressed speech, while others support high fidelity stereo codecs.


aku kira , aku ma km bisa bertemen baik , tp ternyata ? aku salah menilai itu semua .. aku salah menilai diriku kalau ak tuh suka ma kamu , seharusnya aku gak suka ma kamu boy , karna aku tahu semakin aku suka ma kamu semakin sakit hati ini kamu , aku tauu kamu lebih dari aku km lebih pinter dll , tp plis dunk " luh tuh cuma manis di depan aja" bete gua dngerx , coba aja terkhir2x SOMBONG , RESEK , . aku cuma pngin kamu tuh sadar , aku cuma pngen punya temen yang banyak , walalupun aku juga mau msuk SMA loe , tp bukan gini kan caranya senioritas lu sama gua , ? bete gua sama loe , dan skg gue udh mau bner2 FOGET YOU FROM MY HEART . tks deh loe udh bkin hidupku agak keganggu , kurg beruntung kali yah gw kenal sama loe boy :D

Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010

suka ? oh noo !

astagga >< rasa ini tumbuh lagii ?? .. kenappa ?? huh :( , pdhal ak udh promise ma diriku sendiri ?
tp kenapa kok kejadian lagi sih ?? nggook -__- .. tp aku juga syg sih sama dy . sebut aja dy abang :)
ak bner2 nyaman n ngerasain seru kalau plus kalau sama dy . serrunya .. n bner2 yg namanya SUKA sekrg . tp ak malles .. di mataku skg COWOK ntu SAMA aja ! rwrr ~
malles .. malles ! sebell kalau gini .. tp ak coba yakin . n aku rasa aku harus PDKT sama abang lebih lama :) hehehe .. biyar aku tauu gmn dyx :) heheheh .
buadd kamuu : akuu syg ma kamuu . cuma ak takut kamu kyk cowok lainx :( hufhuft . aku gag mau itu terjadi . emang sih gak semua cowok kayak gt , cma KEBANYAKAN sih iya .. hahahha

aku kenal sama dy , berawal dr FACEBOOK ,. n dy sekolah , di tempat salah satu SMA TERBAIK di INDONESIA , yaitu SMA Taruna Nusantara Magelang :) dan SMA ittu , adalah SMA yg aku suka :) n aku pngen bgt msuk sana :) walapun kalau ak msuk sana ak cuma bisa ketemu 1 tahun sama dy :( huaaaaaaaaa ........................... 1 tahun itu Bentarr :d .. wkwkkwwk
gpp de , yg ptg bisa ktemu udh seneng :)


Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010

susahnya menjaga persahabatan

huh .. benerbener susahh , apalagi sahabat yg terbaik kita anggab .. jadi musuh kita tibatiba .
rasanya pingiin ceped2 berakhir , aku udh bener2 gag nyangka siih .. cuma di sisi lain aku juga salah kenapa ak lngsung kyk gitu ke dy , ak udh ngaku kalau ak jga ngerasa kalau aku juga salah , di saat dy down , ak ngomng mslah ini . maav yah sahbatku ==" , cuma kenapa kamu gg mau ngerasa lek kamuu juga salah , coba kalau kamuu , gak ngelakuin itu pasti ak gak bakalan sms kamu and mrh ke kamu , huft ! emang bner2 sulit jaga persahabatan . apalagi aku sama dy samasama KERAS KEPALAnya .. and EMOSIAN .. whuaaa . tapi aku fikir2 kalau kita sama2 keras kepala n gengsi . pasti gag ada selesenya masalah ini dan malah nambah msalah lagi , antara aku ma dy , tp gpp ak mencoba sabar , tp ak sama dy , bener2 udh ! rwrrr *
hahhaah , gag tauu lah ! pusiing juga mikirinya .. hahaha . di sisi lain aku marah sama dy . tp di sisi lain ak juga syg bgt sama dy [ repoddd ] , and gg mau dy hilang dri hidupku . emang bner2 susah jaga yg namanya PERSAHABATAN yah .. 1 sama yg lainnya , mempunyai bberpa watak n sifat yg berbeda , tp aku yakin . aku dan dy , n sama shbtku yg lain . BISA HADEPIN INI :)